Saturday, April 11, 2015

5 Reasons Why You Haven't Started Writing : NOW WRITE!

"You should write a book!" Have you ever heard this before? If you are on this blog post then you probably have. People saw something in you that you didn't even see in yourself. Now you feel that maybe you should right a book. I agree. Why not?! So what are you doing to get it done? What have you done so far? Have you started on the book? Do you know what you want to write? Do you even know who your audience is? The thing is, many of us know what we want to talk about but we can't seem to get ourselves to actually sit down and start writing. Why? For multiple reasons. Below you will find some common reasons why you probably haven't started writing and how to get yourself to finally write!

1. You are afraid you won't have anything to say.
         - This is a common fear. Many writers feel they have thoughts, feelings and insight they want to express but are afraid it will be a small blurb. Surprisingly, you are probably right! But what you don't realize is that you will start with that small blurb and it will expound to so much more. So write that blurb! It will give you even more ideas! But don't be afraid to get writers block. One thing I have learned is the importance of stepping away from my work. Usually when I step away from my work, and begin doing other things, that's when my best ideas come to surface.

2. You think you have to write a book in one sitting.
         - People write books at their own pace. You may write a paragraph a day while others write pages in a day. You need to find your way of flowing. For instance, when I write my books I am not the type to consistently write everyday nor every week. I usually can find myself writing sometimes a chapter one day and not write for another two weeks. The next week I may write two chapters in one day and the next time I write only a paragraph. Find YOUR pattern. No pattern is wrong.

3. You think no one will like what you are writing.
        -Trust me, there is always someone out there who will love what you have to write. But guess what? There will be those who hate it too. That's okay! What you write will be for the perfect audience. I love what I do and there are so many I have helped. But do you think everyone likes what I write? Of course not. Don't let that stop you.

4. You think you can't write.
            - No one is a perfect writer. But until you actually start writing you won't be able to know what you need to work on and what needs to be perfected. To be honest with you, everyone has their own writing style. That's why you have so many different authors. Don't worry about being perfect. Just write. You can find resources that help you get better as a writer. They have writer's conferences, personal writing mentors, everything you can think of! But if you never write, you will never have anything for others to critique.

5. You have forgotten your reason for writing.
           - Why exactly do you want to write this book? Do you want to help others? Do you feel you need to share your story because it will be a testimony to someone else? Do you want to leave a legacy for your family? Whatever it may be, you need to keep that passion and purpose in the forefront of your mind. Whenever I found myself struggling to write , I had to remind myself that there were people out there who needed to hear my story. I had to remind myself that every day that I didn't write I was letting another day go by that I could have saved someone from making the mistakes I made. I was letting another day go by that I could have helped someone see their worth, heal and be all God called them to be. Whatever your purpose is, find it and remember it!

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Photo Credit : Dave Morrison Photography
Uploaded on April 24th, 2010

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